MLtalk Book

This book is an official documentation of MLtalk programming language. MLtalk is basically based on ML, but there's little bit extended original features.
Programming languages that inspires MLtalk is not limited ML only. There's Icon, Pascal and Rust. So, MLtalk is absorbed essence of many paradigm.
Let's go out to funny journey on MLtalk's world!

01. Installation

You have to install interpreter of MLtalk for use it. You can puts below install commands on your shell

                    curl -s ""  | sh

If installing is finished successfully, you can puts just a mltalk binary name to start up MLtalk's REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop).
You can use MLtalk using REPL interactively looks like talking with computer is origin of it's called "MLtalk"

02. Function

Function is base of functional programming. In MLtalk, you can define and apply function like below.

                    let inc n = n + 1;
                    bind inc = fn(num -> num);
                    inc 5

In line 1 defines function called inc takes argument n. And, in line 2 binds inc as function that recieves type num and returns number too.
Totally, That code returns 6 because 5 is applied by inc function to plus 1.

03. Effect

In MLtalk, cusing side-effect is not allowed in pure function.
Features with side-effect are standard I/O (such as print, input), external resource reading (such as load, readFile) etc.
Side-effects must be explicitly specified using effect statement.

                    effect print "Hello!"

All functions are pure in default. To define function with side-effect, you can define it inside the effect statement. When applying too

Sorry, This book is still mid flow of writing. You can contribute it as document mentainer if you have interest